Thursday, December 17, 2015

Blood of Jesus

Inspirational Poem
The blood of Jesus has miraculous power.
It can wash away the sins of anyone at any hour.
The blood of Jesus can save any sinner.
I know this because it saved me, a sinner.
The blood of Jesus can turn a sinner into a winner.
A winner because you will end up in heaven with God wanting to have you Accompany Him for dinner.
That’s why Jesus shed His blood on the cross,
To save those who were lost.
The blood of Jesus was shed once at Calvary,
With the power to save everybody.
However, a person must have faith in Jesus to be saved
Jesus gave us the choice to be saved or stay unsaved
The blood of Jesus can wash away our sins.
For our sins are as filthy rags to Him
Because God is Holy and pure
Our sins are a sickness and the blood of Jesus is the cure.
The blood of Jesus is so powerful He only needed to die one time
To save multitudes of people even those who didn’t exist at the time.
You too can have your sins washed away by the blood of Jesus.
So place your faith in Him so you can be cleansed by the blood of Jesus.
A Few Links to Other Poems on this Blog:
(As Real as the Wind)
(The Bread of Life)
A Few Links to this Book:



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